Digital Library in Usha Rama

The digital library at URCE is one of the master pieces of usharama's infrastructural etiquette. More than 10 laptops were dedicated only for this section. Wi-Fi connected laptops serves the technical students thirst for live & updated information. Latest configured systems allow the pupil to receive and retrieve information at a faster and rapid rate. Using this digital library facility student can access vast amount of information and latest updates across the globe. Huge number of e-journals and magazines are made available through these systems and are very much useful to students in enhancing their technical knowledge. Recorded lessons by reputed faculties across globe are stored to review the concepts that are getting discussed in the class rooms. As the technology is getting changed, day by day, the students are also expected to get updated. The spontaneous updating of knowledge is possible with this digital library. Vast collection of e-lectures, lessons, workshops and seminars have been taken as a back-up for the beneficial of the students & for further usage.