URCE - Empowering Children to Reach Their Potential.
Usha Rama College of Engineering and Technology, established by Usha Rama Educational Academy, with the aim of inculcating quality education to students and produce young technocrats having good knowledge. The college is approved by AICTE and affiliated to JNTU-Kakinada. It is sponsored by Chicago based Multi Million Dollar Advansoft group ...
Read More !- 25-09-2023: Andhra Lions Blood Centre URCET-NSS Unit Blood Donation Programme
- 31-07-2023 - 05-07-2023: APSSDC Five Day Workshop ECE department July-2023
- 30-07-2023: First Graduation Day in URCET
- 25-06-2023: NSLV-19 High Altitude Balloon Satellite Launching
- 08-05-2023: Awareness on LED bulbs
- 25-04-2023: Workshop on Intellectual Property
- 24-04-2023: Campus Selections - Protine Technologies
- 06-04-2023: 15th Annual & Alumni Day Celebrations - 2023
- 01-04-2023: Project Expo by ECE Department
- 29-03-2023: 15th Annual Sport Day 2023
- 29-03-2023: Environment Conservation
- 28-03-2023: Distribution of Free Books and stationery to students
- 27-03-2023: Eye Camp in asso with Maxi vision
- 26-03-2023: Swatch Bharat Campaign
- 25-03-2023: Free Eye Checkup Camp
- 24-03-2023: Campaign: Digital Payments
- 23-03-2023: Campaign: Say No To Plastic
- 16-03-2023: Two Days workshop by ECE Dept on Verilog HDL Program
- 10-03-2023: Campus Selections - Hyundai Mobs & Kia Motors
- 08-03-2023: International Women's Day
- 21-02-2023: Workshop by Mechanical Engineering Department
- 15-02-2023: Institution of Electronics & Telecommunications Engineers
- 14-02-2023: Guest Lecture by HoD - Mech
- 24-01-2023: URfest 2023
- 22-01-2023: Campus Selections - Swan Technologies
- 06-01-2023: Felicitation to Dr K Rajasekhara Rao Director
- 23-12-2022: DR G V K S V Prasad Principal - Best Principal Award
- 11-11-2022: National Education Day in URCET
- 15-9-2022: Engineers Day Celebrations 2022
- 5-9-2022: Acharya Bhishma Award given to URCE Director - Dr.Kurra Rajasekhara Rao
- Ms B Shanthi Kiran, Physical Director got Ph D from ANU
- 2020: Fitness Protocols
- July-2020 : Mr Palli Kishore Assistant Professor is awarded Ph D in Chemistry from JNTUA, Anantapur.
- 14-03-2020 :Usha Rama Student V.jyothirmai 3rd Ece Has Been Selected In Jntuk University Team, To Play The National Level Taekwondo, Org. By Punjabi University.
- 12-03-2020 : KUSUMA SUNDARA KUMAR of CIVIL Dept is awarded with Ph D from JNTUK
- 07-03-2020 : Annual Day Celebrations 2020
- 07-03-2020 :Sports Day Celebrations 2020
- March 2020 :Usha Rama staff had participated in Chandu's National Cricket tournament held at Guntur.
- 23-02-2020 : Solar Energy Seminar
- 23-02-2020 : Electromagnetic Waves and Transmission lines workshop
- 30-01-2020 : Effetronics Campus placements
- 29-01-2020 : Phd awarded to Mustaq Ali
- 22-01-2020 : 31st National Road Safety week in URCET
- 11-01-2020 : NSS Free Eye Camp
- 08-01-2020 : NSS Programme "Say No To Plastic"
- 05-01-2020 : yourfest 2020
S.NO | Faculty Name | Paper Title | Journal Name |
K. Naresh | Underground Cable Fault Detector Based On Arduino | Journal Of Engineering, Computing & Architecture- UGC Approved Journal, June-2022 | |
P. Shiva Shankar | Transformer Health Monitoring System | The International Journal of Analytical and Experimental Modal Analysis-UGC Approved Journal, June-2022 | |
JSS. Kalyan | Health Monitoring System By Using Iot | Journal of Interdisciplinary Cycle Research-UGC Approved Journal, June-2022 | |
K.Santhi | Utilization Of Compressed Air Energy Storage Through Renewable Energy Sources | Journal of Information and Computational Science-UGC Approved Journal, June-2022 | |
A.Balaji | Smart Agriculture Management Using Iot | JAC : A Journal of Composition Theory-UGC Approved Journal, June-2022 | |
M.RAMBABU | Smart Solor Grass Cutter With Lawn Coverage | Journal Of Engineering, Computing & Architecture-UGC Approved Journal, June-2022 | |
G.Jayalaxmi | Controlling of Star Delta Starter and Automatic Power Factor Improvement using Arduino for Induction Motor | The International Journal of Analytical and Experimental Modal Analysis-UGC Approved Journal, June-2022 | |
K.Naresh | Improved Active Power Filter Performance for Solar and Wind System | The International Journal of Analytical and Experimental Modal Analysis-Ugc Approved Journal, June-2022 | |
B.Phani Ranga Raja | Electric Vehicle Charging Station Slot Booking using Arduino | Journal of Engineering, Computing & Architecture-Ugc Approved Journal, June-2022 | |
Ms B Shanthi Kiran, Physical Director got Ph D from ANU | |||
K. Naresh, G. Nagaraju |
Performance Analysis of a Control Scheme for Shunt Active Filter as Reactive Power Compensator | International Journal of Future Generation Communication and Networking(IJFGCN), Vol.13, No.3, August-2020, PP:3676-3684. ESCI(Emerging Sources Citation Index ) Journal | |
Dr.S.Vijaya Laxmi, A.Balaji, B.Phani Ranga Raja, K. Priyadarshini |
Voltage Quality Identification and Mitigation Using Simple PI Based abc Controlled DVR in Distribution System | International Journal of Mechanical and Production Engineering Research and Development(IJMPERD), Volume 10, Issue 4, Jun 2020, Scopus Indexed Journal | |
Dr.S. Vijaya Laxmi ILB. Sowjanya BN. Pavan Kumar |
SRF Control Algoritam Based DVR for Mitigation Balanced and Unbalanced Voltage Disturbances | International Journal of Mechanical and Production Engineering Research and Development(IJMPERD), Volume 10, Issue 4, Jun 2020, Scopus Indexed Journal | |
G. Nagaraju | Uninterrupted Power Supply to Load from Different Sources by Using PLC | International Journal of Advanced Research in Electrical, Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering (IJAREEIE) Volume 9, Issue 6, June 2020, PP:1586-1592 | |
Dr.S. Vijaya Laxmi G. Jaya Laxmi |
Voltage Disturbance Mitigation Using PSO Based DVR Controller in Simplified Frame in Distribution Systems | International Journal of Mechanical and Production Engineering Research and Development(IJMPERD), Volume 10, Issue 3, Jun 2020, Scopus Indexed Journal | |
M. Rambabu JSS. Kalyan |
Power Generation on Highway by Using Vertical Axis Wind Turbine with Solar Systems | International Journal of Advanced Research in Electrical, Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering (IJAREEIE) Volume 9, Issue 6, June 2020, PP:1571-1578 | |
B. Phani Ranga Raja | Automatic Bottle Filling by Using PLC | International Journal of Advanced Research in Electrical, Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering (IJAREEIE) Volume 9, Issue 6, June 2020, PP:1559-1566 |
K. Naresh, M. Rambabu G. Naga Raju P. Jyothinadth |
AGRi City- The Contrivance of Harvesting Electricity | International Conference on Advances in Renowned Renewable Energy Technologies (ICARRET-2019), December-2019 | |
ILB. Sowjanya JSS. Kalyan A.Balaji SS. Kanvarsh |
Design and Control of Interfacing Converters for Wind and Wave Energy Generation- A DC Micro Grid Approach | International Conference on Advances in Renowned Renewable Energy Technologies (ICARRET-2019), December-2019 | |
Mr Palli Kishore Assistant Professor is awarded Ph D in Chemistry from JNTUA, Anantapur. | |||
G. Naga Raju K. Naresh |
A PV-Statcom for Enhancement of Power Quality in Grid Integrated System Using Unit Vector Controller | IEEE Conference-2020. International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Signal Processing (AISP-20) | |
K. Naresh | MODELLING AND OPTIMAL CONTROL OF TWO LINK PLANAR ARM | Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research (JETIR), Volume 6, Issue 12, December-2019; Pages: 525-535 | |
K. Naresh M. Rambabu A. Balaji G. Naga Raju |
Impedance Source Inverter Fed Permanent Magnet BLDC Motor | The IUP Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering(IUPJEEE), Volume-11, Issue-4, October-2018, PP-33-46, Journal No-49171, (UGC Approved Free Journal) | |
S. Sairam Kanvarsh A. Balaji G. Naga Raju J. Sai Siva Kalyan |
Mitigating The Power Quality Issue Using IUPQC | International Journal of Management, Technology And Engineering (IJMTE), Volume-8, Issue-10, October-2018, PP-306-315, (UGC Approved Journal) | |
B. Phani Rangaraja K. Jyothi Sree |
Load Balancing of Feeder Using Fuzzy and Optimization Technique | International Journal of Electrical Engineering and Technology(IJEET), Volume-9, Issue-4, August-2018, PP-74-82, (UGC Approved Journal) | |
K. Naresh A. Balaji M. Rambabu G. Nagaraju |
Practical Oriented Foot Step Electric Power Generation by Using Piezo Material and Microcontroller in Campus | International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET), Volume-5, Issue-7, July-2018, PP-1590-1596. | |
B. Phani Ranga Raja | DESIGN OF TRANSFORMER PERIPHERALS BY COMPUTER AIDED DESIGN DRAFTING | Journal for Advanced Research in Applied Sciences Volume 4, Issue 4, Sept-2017; Pages: 90-96 | |
Surendra Loya completed Summer Faculty Research fellow programme 2019 in IIT Delhi | |||
Workshop On Academic Writing And Publishing | |||
Doctorate Awarded to Sri Hari Babu by Rayalaseema University | |||
S. Sairam Kanvarsh A. Balaji G. Naga Raju J. Sai Siva Kalyan |
Mitigating The Power Quality Issue Using IUPQC | International Journal of Management, Technology And Engineering (IJMTE), Volume-8, Issue-10, October-2018, PP-306-315, (UGC Approved Journal) | |
B. Phani Rangaraja K. Jyothi Sree |
Load Balancing of Feeder Using Fuzzy and Optimization Technique | International Journal of Electrical Engineering and Technology(IJEET), Volume-9, Issue-4, August-2018, PP-74-82, (UGC Approved Journal) | |
K. Naresh A. Balaji M. Rambabu G. Nagaraju |
Practical Oriented Foot Step Electric Power Generation by Using Piezo Material and Microcontroller in Campus | International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET), Volume-5, Issue-7, July-2018, PP-1590-1596. | |
Design and implementation multiplier using power gating with NBTI aging benefits in INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF RESEARCH IN ELECTRONICS AND COMPUTER ENGINEERING.ISSN 2348-2281 july-september 2018 | |||
Mrs M Revathi English Department awarded Ph D from ANU, Guntur | |||
Subramani Roychoudri of CSE Department is awarded Ph D from Rayalaseema University, Kurnool | |||
Doctorate Awarded by Sri Padmavathi Mahila Viswa Vidyalayam Tirupati to Nalliboina Vijaya Dep of Maths URCET | |||
K. Jyothi Sree | MULTI LEVEL STATCOM USING TWO LEVEL INVERTERS | Journal for Advanced Research in Applied Science, Volume-4, Issue-1, Jan-June/2017, ISSN(Online): 2394-8442 | |
I.L.B. Sowjanya, V. Susmitha, S. Sairam Kanversh, A. Venkataramana |
HIGH SPEED OPERATION OF BLDC MOTOR EMPLOYING NOVEL CONTROL TECHNIQUES | International Journal of Advanced Research and Latest Trends(IJARLT), ISSN 3011-3030, Vol.09, Issue.01, March 2017, Pages: 2068-2073 | |
K. Jyothi Sree | A Novel Approach of 5-Level Inverter Fed With PV for Residential Load | International Journal of Multee Disciplinary Research , Volume-3, Issue-2, April-2017 | |
K. Jyothi Sree, N. Chandra Mouli Arivand(Student) |
A Novel Approach of 5-Level Inverter Fed With PV for Residential Load | International Conference on Standards for Engineering and Management , ISBN:978-1546365471 | |
K. Naresh | Multi-Level Inverter with Simplified Control Strategy for Distributed Energy Resource Integration with Distribution System | Journal of Science and Technology(JST)- Volume 2, Issue 1, January 2017, PP 26-38 | |
M. Rambabu, K. Naresh, A. Balaji, J. Sai Siva Kalyan |
Simulation of a Time Dependent 2D Generator Model Using Comsol Multiphysics | IEEJ | |
B. Phani Ranga Raja, K. Naresh, A. Balaji, M. Rambabu |
Optimal Placement Approach of Phasor Measuring Unit by GPS | IEEJ | |
K. Naresh | Economic Load Dispatch with Multiple Fuel Options Using GA Toolbox in MATLAB | ELSEVIER | |
K. Naresh | Matlab/Simulink Based Dynamic Modeling of Micro Turbine Generator for Grid and Islanding Modes of Operation | International Journal of Power Systems(IJPS) | |
Surendra Loya | Analysis of Shielding Effectiveness in the Electric Field and Magnetic Field and Plane Wave for Infinite Sheet Metals | International Journal of Electromagnetics and Applications 2016 | |
Director Dr KRR produced 12th PhD under his guidance. | |||
B-Tech ECE-A final year project students presented paper in the International Conference under the guidence of Mr.L .surendra,Assistantant professor, ECE | |||
Mr.L.Surendra, Mr.M.Galeeb department of ECE partispated and presented paper in QIP short term course cum workshop with titled"Industrial applications of Tera hertz Radiation conducted by IIT Kharagpur | |||
R. Vijay P. Ramesh Babu |
Influence of tungsten ions valence states on electrical characteristics of quaternary lithium-antimony-lead-germanate glasses | Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids (Elsevier) doi.org/10.1016/j.jpcs.2017.04.001 |
P. Ramesh Babu, K. Naveen Kumar, R. Vijay |
Spectroscopic investigation on lithium yttrium silicate glasses doped with v2o5 | International Journal of Physics and Mathematical Sciences ISSN: 2277-2111, 2016 Vol. 6, pp.55-62 | |
Publications of KRR in 2016-17 |
S.NO | Name of the Staff | Research Topic | University | Year |
Mr. A Suneel Kumar | Studies on the performance characteristics of screen pinted silver nanopraticle ink patch antennas for 5G Application | AU | 2022 | |
Mr. K Eliah | Vocabulary Learning Strategies | ANU | 2022 | |
Mr. B Kiran Babu | Experimental Investigation on mechanical Behaviour, Wear Properties, Machining Behaviour and Biodegradation of Friction Stir Processed ZE41 Mg Alloy | JNTU - K | 2022 | |
Mr. V Ajay Kumar | Effect of ZrO2 and TIO2 on mechanical and tribological properties of HAP NANOCOMPOSITES | AU | 2021 | |
Mr. K Sundara Kumar | Modelling of Environmental Impacts of Land Use/Land Cover Dynanmics on Urban Microclimate | JNTU - K | 2020 |
College Facilities
- The only engineering College which implements WORK-STUDY programme.
- Air conditioned class rooms with gallery type seating arrangement.
- All Class rooms are equiped with Multimedia Projectors.
- E-Beam Technology & Response Recording Facility.
- Air conditioned computer Labs with more than 600 systems.
- Highly experienced and well qualified teaching staff.
- Internship with reputed companies.
- Wi-Fi facility across the Campus.
- Library facility from 8.00Am to 10.00Pm.
- Free Coaching for GATE,GRE and TOEFL to Students.
- Research & development Lab.
- Transportation facility from Vijayawada and surrounding places.