Electronics Circuit Analysis Lab
The main objective is to introduce different types of AMPLIFIERS and study their characteristics. With this knowledge students will be able to do mini-projects with the help of diodes and transistors.
Laboratory-in-charge : Dr.VGNS Prasad
Laboratory-Technician : K. Rama krishna
S.No | Name of the Equipment | Quantity |
1 | Cathode ray oscilloscopes | 12 |
2 | Regulated Power Supply | 12 |
3 | Function Generators | 12 |
4 | Digital Multi Meters | 12 |
5 | Two stage RC coupled Amplifier | 5 |
6 | FET Amplifier | 1 |
7 | Wein bridge oscillator | 6 |
8 | RC phase shift oscillator | 7 |
9 | Feed back amplifier | 1 |
10 | Current & Voltage series feed back amplifier | 1 |
11 | Current & Voltage shunt feed back amplifier | 1 |
12 | Hartley oscillator | 1 |
13 | Colpitts oscillator | 1 |
14 | Class A power amplifier | 1 |
15 | Class B push pull amplifier | 2 |
16 | Tuned RF amplifier | 3 |