Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (EEE)
Usha Rama College of Engineering and Technology was established in 2008 and started academic programme in 2008. Established as one of the major department of the institute, since its inception in 2008. The department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering is actively engaged in teaching and research with modern laboratories and excellent members of faculty. The department offers undergraduate programme with the intake of 60.
The facilities in the department are among the best in India, and in some specialized areas compete with leading international universities. In many important areas of Electrical Engineering, we have faculty members who are active from a research point of view. There is strong collaboration with industry and a number of laboratories have been established through such collaboration. Research collaborators also include Indian government.
Teaching has been given its due importance since the inception of the department. Many faculty members are active in research areas related to the subjects that they teach. Students are also supported by a departmental academic mentorship program. For students to develop into skilled researchers they must enjoy the work that they do and that the atmosphere must be conducive; therefore, a number of faculty members are available for counseling to the students.
IEEE Student Branch
Research publications by EEE department
Faculty Events:
EEE- Faculty's attended 12-days ATAL- AICTE FDP on AI- Energy Storage System
EEE Faculty Received NPTEL Certificate on Data Science
EEE- Faculty attended 6-day ATAL-AICTE Electrical Vehicles Workshop
USHA RAMA Received Certificate of Appreciation on View of Energy Swaraj Foundation
USHA RAMA Won Gold Certificate on View of Energy Swaraj Foundation
USHA RAMA Won Silver Certificate on View of Energy Swaraj Foundation
EEE Faculty's Received AICTE- UHV-1 Certificates
Faculty Got Elite Grade in NPTEL Python for Data Science Course
Workshops attended by EEE faculty members 2021-2022
List of Faculty Completed NPTEL Course
Faculty Achieved Gold Medal in NPTEL-Course
GOOD Grade Achieved in IIT Kharagpur
Faculty Got Elite Grade in NPTEL Course
Monographs Published by Faculty
Faculty Achieved Anveshana-2017 Award
Faculty Scoured Elite Grade in Nationl Level
Seminars & Workshop :
14-12-2024: National Energy Conservation Day Celebrations
EEE-Students Attended Technical Competitions
08-07-2024 to 13-07-2024: A Six Day Workshop on Data Analysis Using Python
15-10-2024: EEE- Students Participated Innovation Competition at VR Siddhartha University
13-08-2024: Electric Vehicles National Workshop
2024: Final Year Farewell Celebrations
01-07-2024 to 06-07-2024: A Six Day Workshop on AWS Coud Computing
07-10-2024: EEE-III-Year- Mini Project Expo
28-06-2023 to 05-07-2023: A 6- Day Workshop on Data Analysis Using Python by APSSDC
12-12-2022 to 19-12-2022: A Six Day Workshop on Fundamentals and Advanced PCB Design by APSSDC
14-11-2022: Energy Conservation Day Reg-Guest Lecture
20-10-2022: A One Day National Workshop on Grid Connected Rooftop Solar PV System
08-08-2022 to 13-08-2022: A Six Day Worksop on Python Programming by APSSDC
27-10-2021: Seminar on Electric Vehicles
01-05-2020: Faculty Completed Data Science With Python Specialization Course
26-04-2020: Faculty Completed Specialization Course in COURSERA
22-04-2020: Faculty Completed Specialization Course in COURSERA
11-05-2020: Faculty's Attended A One Day Webinar
10-01-2020 to 12-01-2020: Faculty Attended IEEE-AISP-20 Conference and Presented Paper
Faculty Attended IPR and Innovations- AICTE Workshop
15-07-2019 to 20-07-2019: Six Day Workshop on Instrumentation Process Control at APSSDC-CoE-VRSE
01-07-2019 to 06-07-2019: Faculty Attended A Six Day Industrial Automation Workshop - APSSDC
21-09-2019 to 26-09-2019: Faculty Attended AICTE Sponsored One Week STTP
15-07-2019 to 20-07-2019: Six Day Workshop on Electrical Energy Efficiency by SIEMENS- CoE
25-11-2019 to 30-11-2019: Six Day Workshop on Basics of PLC by SIEMENS- CoE
07-12-2019: A One Day National Workshop on Optimization Techniques in Power Systems and Power Electronics for Power Quality
16-12-2019 to 20-12-2019 :A Five Day FDP on "VLSI Chip Design Hands on Using Open Source EDA" by MNIT Jaipur
29-07-2019 to 03-08-2019: Faculty Attended AICTE Sponsored One Week STTP
10-12-2018 to 15-12-2018 :Six Day Workshop on Basic of Induction Motor by SIEMENS- CoE
22-02-2019 to 23-02-2019 : Students Attended Workshop on Application of MATLAB in Electrical Engineering
17-12-2018 to 21-12-2018 : Five Day Workshop Attended at NIT Warangal
10-12-2018 to 15-12-2018: Six Day Workshop on Basic PLC by SIEMENS- CoE
06-12-2018 to 08-12-2018 : A 3-Day Workshop on SciLab by APSSDC
06-12-2018 : One Day Workshop on NPTEL by IIT Madras
19-09-2018 to 23-09-2018 : Five Day IBM Training for III-Year Students
28-07-2018 : A One Day National Workshop on Emerging Trends in Power System De-regulation and Renewable Energy Control
09-07-2018 to 13-07-2018 : Five Days Training on PLC and Automation by APSSDC, CoE
14-06-2018 to 16-06-2018 : Students Attended APIS Workshop on iBootUp IOT Series
23-04-2018 to 27-04-2018 : Participated in APSSDC-SIEMENS Workshop
03-04-2018 to 07-04-2018 : Participated in NIT Warangal Workshop
20-02-2018 : Orb Energy AGM Guest Lecture on Solar System
17-03-2018 : Vidyuth Soudha ADE Guest Lecture
13-03-2018 : 2014-2018-Batch Farewell Party
01-01-18 to 05-01-2018 : Participated in NIT Warangal Workshop
21-12-2017 to 21-12-2017 : III-Year Students attended PLC Training by APSSDC
04-12-2017 to 08-12-2017 : Five Days PLC Training by APSSDC-SIEMENS
04-12-2017 to 08-12-2017 : Workshop attended in NIT Warangal
EEE- Jobs Opportunity List
15-9-2017 : Faculty's attended AICTE Sponsored Workshop
13-3-2017 : Farewell Day Celebrations
28-1-2017 : Students Participated in Fem Flare 17
26-1-2017 : Creativity Photos Within The our URCET Campus
23-12-2016 : EEE students attended Open Forum Smart India Hackathon 2017 presented by AICTE
22-12-2016 : Gold Medal in Folk Dance in National Level VIVIA
14-12-2015 to 18-12-2015 : Industry Oriented Training
17-07-2015 : IEEE National Level Workshop
Students Awards & Achievements :
EEE Student K Hari Vishnu Kumar-20NG1A0209 Studying MS in LONDON
EEE Student B Gopi Tharun-20NG1A0204 Studying MS in RHU LONDON
EEE Students Participated in Technical Fest-2025
EEE Student 21NG5A0226- N. SOMASEKHAR has placed in RenewSys India Pvt. Ltd
2nd Convocation - 2024
EEE-2024 Batch Students Got Jobs in Various Company
EEE-Students Won Second Prize in Poster Presentation at Technocal Fest EPISTEMICON-2024
EEE-2024 Batch Students Got Jobs in Various Company
EEE-Students Topper in Second Semester
EEE-Student Naga Venkata Uday Kiran Kalangi-13NG1A0202 as Analog Astronaut-NASA
EEE-2024 Final Year Student Got Job in MCoreta
EEE-2024 Passed Out Students Got Job in Accord Power Conversion Pvt. Ltd
EEE Students Even Semester Toppers, A.Y:2023-24, SGPA
Project Expo on 22-04-2024
11- Students Got Jobs in SWAN Energy
Facultys Attended A Six Day Workshop
EEE- II- Year Students Achieved Third Prize in Poster Presentation in View of A P J. Abdual Kalam Birth Anniversary
17-07-2023 to 27-07-2023: A 6- Day Workshop on Python Programming
EEE- III- Year Students Achieved First Prize in Technical Event @EPISTEMICON-2013 fest
15-09-2023: Engineer's Day Celebrations and Paper Presentation Competition
EEE Students Odd Semester Toppers above 9.5 SGPA
EEE Students Got Job in Nala Robotics with 4Lakhs Salary
EEE-2023 Batch 46 Students Got Jobs in Various Company
EEE Students Placed in Various Company
Students Got Job With 4Lak Salary
IV-Year, II-Sem, A.Y:2019-20 Topper, Scored SGPA=9.25
IV-Year Students Scored Above 8 SGPA in II-Sem, A.Y:2019-20
Even Semester Toppers in A.Y: 2018-19
Odd Semister Toppers in A.Y: 2019-20
List of Certification Courses Completed by Students
Odd Semister Toppers in A.Y: 2018-19
Got Jobs in Various Companies-A.Y: 2018-19
Odd Semister Toppers in A.Y: 2017-18
Winners in Various National Level Fest
FIRST PRIZE in National Level Technical Fest - PRAGNA
EEE Department Toppers List
Final Year Pass Percentage is 91%
Gold Medal in 3rd Students Olympic State Games
Bronze Medal in 3rd Students Olympic State Games
Gold Medal in 2nd Students Olympic National Games
Gold Medal in 2nd Students Olympic State Games
Second Prize in InterNational Level Compo Quest Event
First Prize in National Level Project Expo Event
First Prize in National Level Technical Event
Second Prize in National Level Basic Concepts Event
Gold Medal Achieved In State Level Competitions- CSE & EEE Students
Achievement In State Level Competitions
Department got DST project which is sanctioned by Central Government of INDIA .