National Workshop on Optimization Techniques
Workshop Report
- Workshop Title: A One Day National Workshop on Optimization Techniques in Power Systems and Power Electronics for Power Quality.
- Workshop Date: 07-12-2019
- Workshop Time: 9:00AM to 4:00PM
- Workshop Venue: R105 -Seminar Hall
- Participants: Diploma, B. Tech, M. Tech and Ph. D scholars
- Registration Fee: 200/- (Snacks, Lunch, Workshop Kit)
- Speakers: Dr. RS Srinivas, Dr. P. Lakshman Naik
- Total Number of Participated: 172.
- Total Number of Colleges Responded: 8
There are various optimization techniques exist in power system, in that few techniques Linear Programming (LP), Non Linear Programming (NLP), Homogenous Linear Programming (HLP), Genetic Algorithm (GA) which are presently using in power system explained. Few real time applications shown as videos.
Power Quality problems (voltage variations, voltage sag, voltage swell, harmonics, noise, transients, protection, off set voltages) presently facing in power systems discussed and how to over come such problems by power electronic devices (compensators). Few industrial power quality issues animation videos explained to participants.