Civil Engineering - Geo Technical Engineering Lab

Geo-Technical Engineering :
A typical geotechnical engineering laboratory helps in identifying the engineering behavior of geomaterials (soils and rocks) and byproducts such as fly ash etc. There are different physical, chemical and geotechnical properties determined in the laboratory that are required for identifying the geomaterials. This information is used by geotechnical engineer for designing the type of foundations, earthworks such as dams, embankments, tunnels, reservoirs, pavement sub grades, and specialized applications like waste containment systems. The Geotechnical Engineering Laboratory is equipped with facilities to carry out all types of tests on soils.
- Casagrande's liquid limit device
- CBR apparatus
- Vane shear apparatus
- Tri-axial apparatus
- Density Apparatus
- Variable head permeameter
- Constant head permeameter
- Consolidation test Apparatus
- UCC apparatus
- Compaction Rammer
- Cylindrical core-cutter
- Sand pouring cylinder
- Tools for excavation holes
- Vernier caliperse, Grooving tool
- Weighing balance, Water content jars, Oven