Report on Kumar Pumps and Motors Industrial Visit on 21st JAN 2016
Visited :
Kumar Pumps and Motors, Tenali
No. of Students : 76 2nd Year
Faculty Cordinators :
- Mr k srinivasa rao asst prof
- Mr ch venkata krishna asst prof
- Mr.k. Manendhar rao asst prof
On receiving the letter of permission from kumar pumps and motors, tenali. Students with three faculty members went on an industrial visit to kumar pumps on 21-01-2016.we all assembled at the college at 9:00a.m and left the college in a college bus. We reached the kumar pumps at 11.00a.m.the kumar pumps members are received us at the entrance and gave a brief introduction about the process of manufacturing of reciprocating pumps and motors. Borewells and they're working in detail
Visited sections in the company :
- Preparation of mold and casting
- Surface finishing of motor casings
- applying anti corrosion liquid on casings
- Manufacturing, tapering, grinding
- surface finish done by cnc machines
- preparation of windings
- assembling of parts
- painting
- testing the products